Minnesota Firearms Safety Hunter Education Practice Exam

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What is the safest way to carry a firearm?

With the safety on

Unloaded with the action open

Carrying a firearm with the safety on, pointed down at the ground, or slung over your shoulder may seem like safe options, but they are not the safest ways to carry a firearm. Carrying a firearm with the safety on does not guarantee that the gun will not discharge. Plus, in a high-stress situation, it may be easy to forget to turn the safety off, which can cost precious time. Pointing a firearm at the ground can also be dangerous, as the bullet can ricochet or travel farther than intended if the ground is soft or uneven. Slung over your shoulder may seem convenient, but it leaves you vulnerable to accidental discharges and can be easily grabbed or knocked out of your control. The safest way to carry a firearm is to have it unloaded with the action open. This way, even if the trigger is pulled, nothing will happen. Additionally, having the action open allows for quick and easy inspection to ensure the firearm is safe to use.

Pointed down at the ground

Slung over your shoulder


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